Heirloom Quilt Cardigan
Color Placement Template
If you are anything like me, the Heirloom Quilt Cardigan stopped you in your tracks, and you have been thinking about it—dreaming about it! Agonizing over colors filled with equal amounts of joy and indecision. Does this sound like you? I have something that might help.
My sister, Kari, and I are creating a yarn collection inspired by Daisy Jones and the Six. The colors are stunning. It feels a little unsettling to toot my own horn, as a lifetime Midwesterner, but this yarn is brag-worthy. Plus, my favorite colors of the collection were dyed by Kari, so I’m really only half-complimenting myself, right? ;)
Seriously, though. I want to knit one of everything in each and every color. I am being a bit of a tease—you can’t get the yarn yet.
The Daisy Jones collection will be released at the Zombie Knitpocalypse Market! If you’re in Rochester, MN on June 22, you should definitely stop by. Check out the link to see all of the fabulous fibercrafting vendors!
Okay, back to the Heirloom Quilt Cardigan. Our amazing friend, Tracy, offered to knit a sample for us using our Daisy Jones yarn! As I have been preparing the yarn to send to her, I craved the chance to play with color placement.
At first, I made myself an Heirloom Quilt Cardigan coloring page. Immediately, I realized coloring was going to be laborious and tedious—especially if I was going to change my mind fifteen thousand times. Which I was. Hi, I’m Beth and I have ADHD. :)
The color choice and color placement in the original Heirloom Cardigan is part of what draws me to it. This time, I took a different approach and used canva to create a color template. The template starts out in Katryn’s original color scheme. From there, you can change the colors to suit your own style.
If you are interested in trying out the template, enter your information below and you will be re-directed to a page where you can create your very own! The video below is a detailed, step-by-step tutorial explaining how to use the Heirloom Cardigan template and coloring page!
If you care to send a little ‘thank you’ tip our way, you can do so via Ko-Fi!